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Sunday, 24 October 2004
Camelot's Shadow by Sarah Zettel
This is an Arthurian fantasy and this time not Guievere and Arthur but rather Gawain's lady love. It details the Lady Rhian, daughter of a minor nobel who has been sold to an evil sorceror for her mother's life well before she was actually born. Rhain upon learning this, runs away only to find herself rescued by the galiant Gawain - and there the romance takes a turn of course.

By no means does this mean tat it is purely a romantic novel becuase you would be very wrong - the story over the top is clasic Gawain tales intertwined and wrapped around each other. It is constructed quite well and I would recommend it to any Arthurian enthuiast.

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT
Sunday, 17 October 2004
Tanequil - High Druid of Shannara 2 by Terry Brooks
I didn't mind this books it had all the normal Shannara qualities but I must say I'm getting a little tired of it and yes I know ******** died in the first book do you have to keep rubbing it in? Pen and Khyber's quest for the Tanequil continues but when they reach one place they need to go they find themselves on the run over and over again. Not only this but Bek and Rue are imprisioned in the walls of Paranor by those they thought they could trust. All this is happening whilst a demon runs loose. It is a typical middle story - yes exciting things do happen but the last is set up to be interesting - will Brooks link the Word and Wishsong?????

If you enjoy Shannara and want to see how it might possibly combine with the Demon Series then this is a definate read for you.

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT
Friday, 8 October 2004
Prisoner of Ironsea Tower - Tears of Artamon 2 by Sarah Ash
This was quite an enjoyable book though the blurb kind of spoils the irst few chapeters through which is a little silly. The true meaning of the Drakhaul is revealed as well as it's name and it's purpose. Not only that but there are more characters playing the game then one would think.

Yet again Sarah delivers a well constructed and thought out book, with intrigue and some mild horror (a little stab at the in-humane practices that went on in mental hospitals in earlier times. If you enjoyed the first book then you wont be dissapointed in the second. Well worth a read and an old favourite comes back too :)

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT
Monday, 4 October 2004
The Dark Mirror - Bridei Chronicles 1 by Juliette Marillier
I really enjoyed this book, it was as good as her other books and more. It was not as romantic as the others which is a nice change though the romance is still there of course. So what is it about, well Bridei of course and Tuala, the fairy daughter who appeared on Bridei's doorstep to comfort the lonely little boy. Together they grew up but when Bridei's destiny is revealed, Tuala must find her own. It is a lovely tale that is a nice version of the Pict King Bridei.

It took me a while to read it cause of my really busy schedule at the time but it was a welcome change from all the busi-ness and I really liked it. It sets up a little for the next book though it can be read entirely on it's own merits.

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 October 2004 2:03 PM NZT
Friday, 10 September 2004
The Crooked Letter by Sean Williams
Now Playing: The Dark Mirror by Juliette Marillier
Boy have I been busy lately it took me ages to read this book not because it wasn't interesting but because I could barely spare 10 mins a week to even read it which was very dissapointing. But I sat down last night and tuned out, letting the book take me away and boy was it worth it!

Okay its able mirror twins, Hadrian and Seth, when Seth is killed in front of Hade's eyes a Catacalysm occurs drawing the first and second realm together and merging them - allowing Yod an alien creature to span across the two and start to take control. In the second realm Seth does his best to figure out what is going on and how to stop the realm's from tearing each other apart whilst Hadrian does his best to stay alive!

It is in fact a prequel to the Books of the Change and deals with how that world and the Change actually came about - it is a fasinating read even if at some points I got totally confused - there are many dieties some of which I recognised some I didn't but the glossary at the back helped a lot. This book is more for the fantasy readers who enjoy the more mystical and dark side of fanatasy rather than those that prefer quests and comedies.

Posted by fantasynode at 3:01 PM NZT
Monday, 9 August 2004
Star Wars - Clone Wars Med Star 1: Battle Surgeons by Michael Reaves & Steve Perry
It was a little slow and long winded I bet the whole thing could've been condensed into one novel but has been drawn out into two for some unknown reason, the story is a little bland though these two excellent authors do their best with such well dry characters. As much as I love the Jedi compared to the Luke Skywalker generation the Clone War Jedi are actually quite boring without Obi-Wan around.

It details a medical outpost where things aren't as they seem, the expensive drug 'bota' is being stolen and smuggled in some way and Padawan Barriss Offee must discover who as well as lending her healing powers to the surgeons whilst she's at it.

Its a bit bliazze really, as if they are trying to cram a whole lot of excitement for the upcoming 'Revenge of the Sith' - trying to keep the Star Wars phenomen alive - its rather sad really - but should you read it - sure why not - its an interesting glipse into the 'life' of a medics on the battle field front

Posted by fantasynode at 1:01 AM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 August 2004 4:08 PM NZT
Saturday, 31 July 2004
Wolfblade by Jennifer Fallon: The Hythrun Chronicles 1
This is an awesome book I loved it to pieces, the characters were well crafted and it was extremely compelling and despite my very busy lifestyle at the moment it got me hooked time and time again, only to be put down when I could barely read the words cause I was so tired.

What's it about? Well its a sort of prequel to the Medalon series but not set in Medalon at all so we get to see a different perspective of the world created in the first series. Brak makes another appearance for all the fans ;) It details Mara Wolfblade, sister to the current ruler of Hythria and her plight as being made a comodity in trade - but Mara has a smart head on her shoulders and she wont be told anything, that and her dwarf court'esa is their to guide her as well.

As per usual Fallon has done an excellent job though be warned deaths do occur and they are sad! And treachary, lots of treachary! Have I put you on your toes? Or completely spoiled it :p ENJOY!

Posted by fantasynode at 1:01 AM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 August 2004 4:10 PM NZT
Saturday, 17 July 2004
Lord of the Isles by David Drake
Lord of the Isles by David Drake This is the first book in the series and it wasn't oo bad I seem to find that I'm not a big fan of necromany in books for some reason it tends to put me off nodays - strange - maybe after readin Erikson who handles it really well everything else seems to pale in comparision or something - dissapointing really. Apart form that it wasn't too bad - some parts were boring, some confusing (like Ilna - did I miss something????) Mellie was a neat character, I quite liked her - will Cashel ever see? Sharina and Nonnus's bit I found annoying more than anything - Meder was a git, simple as that. But will I read the second book? Yep seeming as though I got it really really cheap and it's sitting on my shelf I will :) *sigh* I'm hoping the next book I read will be far more exciting than the past two? Or maybe I was spoilt with loving Eddings all over again. :)

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT
Sunday, 11 July 2004
Lord of Snow and Shadows by Sarah Ash
Lord of Snow and Shadows by Sarah Ash.
I quite enjoyed this book, I've been meaning to read it for a while now and it is rather lucky that the moment I finished it I noticed that the second book had just come out - Prisoner of Ironsea Tower. Which is rather lucky - though it is a little different then most fantasy but shares some common elements which is always good. It details Gavril Andar, a painter living at the bottom of the world only to discover that he is the son of Azhendir's ruler who has recently died and is now part of an ancient blood feud. So not only has his life changed completely, he must hunt down his father's killer and learns the true nature of his father's 'powers'. It is a good book and a really kewl character dies which is really sad but I can get over it :P Now I have to get the next one ;)

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT
Sunday, 4 July 2004
The Treasured One by Eddings
The Treasured One by David and Leigh Eddings, The Dreamers Book 2. I know some people hate that the books are 'too similar' to the other series that the Eddings have written but this one is actually quite different, especially in the way that it is written. Each part seems to take on a different character's perspective and in the case of some deals with some issues in the past that have meaning to the events taking place. It took a little while getting used to but once longbow had his turn I was loving the new style. Okay so you've read Eldar Gods and how Zelana's Domain was saved but this time the Vlaugh is going for Veltan's sleepy farming Domain, who have never had any need for weapons at all apart from sling shots to scare off wolves. So Sorgan, Narasan, Longbow and co travel over to Veltan's Domain to the falls of Vash to stop the snake men from invading the land. But they have evolved, learning new tatics and not only that but another army is fast traveeling up the coast in the search of gold and Veltan's 'army' seems stuck in the middle. I STILL adore Longbow, though Veltan is still up there in the favourites list (along with Torl too) and I loved the new style and the fact that the enemy evolves is a good thing that way things don't get too much the same. Though the 'nice boy' appears twice in this book and who said it the second time had me in stitches :) And Zelana and Longbow? Poor Man, he's not got a chance.

Posted by fantasynode at 12:01 AM NZT

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