
Good old Historical Fiction, it isn't enough to make up a fantasy world that is Medieval Europe why not explore some of the classic stories such as Beowulf, Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, Alexander the Great, Ancient Rome or even Celtic History. I have read some absolutely delightful HF and some absolutely horrible and a who bunch that exist in the middle.

One to try but it is wuite long and very descriptive and takes even the quickest readers some time to read is Mary Gentle's Ash - which is delightful and fun as well as having some really interesting concept. Avoid Rosalind Miles' Guneievere Series it doesn't get better - trust me.

Below are a bunch of authors that I particularly enjoy and have read quite a lot of their work. In Marilyn Todd's case, Claudia is a Roman aristocrat who spends her days solving mysteries. Or Sara Douglass's take on Arthur or Bernard Cornwell's or Mary Stewart's or Stephen Lawhead's.

Bernard Cornwell
Sara Douglass
Diana Gabaldon
Stephen Lawhead
Valerio M Manfredi
Juliette Marillier
Wilbur Smith
Mary Stewart
Marilyn Todd

Other Books:
* Ash by Mary Gentle
* The Bone Peddler by Slyvian Hamilton
* Hound by George Green
* Camelot's Shadow by Sarah Zettel

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