January 2006 - it has been a while but I have put up a bunch of reviews and two new links
- James Rollins (James Clemens as a Horror Writer)
- KG Childs
Reviews Added
- Traitor's Knot by Janny Wurts
- Darkwitch Rising by Sara Douglass
- A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon
- Blade of Fortrui by Juilet Marillier
- Warlord by Jennifer Fallon
- Warrior by Jennifer Fallon
- Shaman's Crossing by Robin Hobb
- Odalisque by Fiona McIntosh
- Straken by Terry Brooks
- Crystal Gorge by David Eddings
- Rhiannon's Ride by Kate Forsyth
- Flight of the Knighthawks by Raymond E Feist
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling
- A Feast for Crows by George R R Martin
- Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan
June 2005 - Version 4.1 of layout released
- Added reviews of Chimera by Ian Irvine, Elegy of a Lost Star by Elizabeth Haydon, Gene of Isis by Traci Harding and Drowned Wednesday by Garth Nix
March 2005 - Added reviews for Devil's Armour by John Marco, Tyrant by Valerio Massimo Manfredi and Chainfire by Terry Goodkind
Feb 2005 - I have done a huge update of the site with images adn reviews and added a new author Fiona McIntosh. Just traverse the pages to see what has been changed.
::Fantasy Node:: is a comprehensive list of reviews of the various fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction novels that I have read over the past few years. It is easy to navigate:
- select genre from the side menu
- select author from those available
The recommended authors has been moved from the side menu to the bottom of each author page.
Also please check out Khallandra's Domain for more of her websites and if you'd like to link to ::Fantasy Node:: link to: http://fantasynode.khallandra.net with any of the banners below

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