The Lightstone - Valashu is the seventh son of the King and when Kane - a strange man comes to visit Valashu leaves his home and takes up the quest for the Lightstone. Joined by Kane, a Princess, a Healing Woman, his best friend who was studying to be a priest, his priest friends from home and a singer - they scoure the countryside looking for the fabled Lightstone. Along the way each of the companions pick up their own stone to be used in various ways whilst Valashu remains bare. They discover where the ligthstone is held and must travel deep into the Dragon's lair to find it. Okay so not literaly a dragon but rather an old enemy, the stones idea whilst not a new one is employeed with great ease and one can not but like Valashu. The story is fast paced and entertaining but be warned one of the characters die and it is very sad - note the paperback issue is in two parts (I found this out the hard way - sorry Russel didn't mean to spoil it).
Lord of Lies - Okay so they found it and Valashu returns it to his country of Mesh where he starts up the 'Gaurdians of the Lightstone' and lets all nations come and visit him but before too long old enemies come out of the cracks and Valashu starts believing the crowd that he is the saviour to them all - but why does it feel like a lie in his heart? Things go from bad to worse and soon Valashu and his compaions are on the run. Some say that it wasn't as enjoyable as the first but I tend to disagree I still really liked it but I have to feel sorry for Valashu - nothing seems to go right for him at all. This one is full of politics and a little less 'adventurous' than the first but if you liked the first give it a go. Plus the cover is so awesome - and my predictio is they are looking for a woman not a man.
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