Favourite Characters: Alain, Sanglant, Yuri, Aleski, Anatoly
Jaran Novels
Jaran - the first in the series details how Tess becomes on of the Jaran. She follows a group of Chapalii to the surface knowing that they are voilating Charles's interdiction on the planet. She quickly becomes lost and is rescued by a hard looking man who it turns out is the leader of the jaran tribes. She travells with his jaran after being excepted into the tribe under the pretense of being the 'pilgrim's' interrepter. Ilya, not beilieving a word of this slowly starts trusting her. The book is full of new and exciting charcaters and the jaran way of life is an interesting one. My personal favourites are Tess herself and Yuri of course :) It is a mixture of sci-fi and fanatasy that is wuite refresing.
An Earthly Crown (Sword of Heaven 1 ) - sequel to Jaran seems to follow a little bit later on as Tess has adopted one of the orphans from the previous book by the name of Aleski (with whom I adore mind you). Charles decides to visit Tess to see what Rhui and the jaran have to offer and of course to visit his sister. He brings along a company of actors who delight the jaran tribes with their plays and enchant them. Since this was the first book that I read, I really enjoyed it - not being overly fussed on Sci-Fi I was imediately hooked. Aleski is such a neat character with his simple but effective way of looking at things. But Vasil? Vasil?!
His Conquering Sword (Sword of Heaven 2) - I'm not sure whether I should feel sorry for Marco or not. I really like Diana and Anatoly in this story they are quite interesting characters though Diana soon annoys me towards the end. The flick between Rhui and Earth was a nice touch in this second part. This could end quite nicely hear - but I know it doesn't. I've taken a shining to Anatoly but still hold Aleski close to my heart :) Vasil acting - yep that's a good profession for him - everybody will simply stare and he'd love it.
Law of Becoming - Set about 10 years after the previous series, Tess and Ilya are still on Rhui with the jaran and their tribe whilst Diana, Anatoly, the Vesolov's, Hycanith and co are still on Earth. Diana and Anatoly have a daughter though they just argue all of the time because he hasn't given up his jaran hertiage - much like Karolla who has her apartment set out like a jaran tribe and tries to set Ilyana up with Anatoly! Things get more complicated with Anatoly visits the Chapalii Emperorer and becomes one of the Princes - much to everyone's amazement that is. Vasil gets into some strife and must take his family off planet whilst htings are getting complicated for Tess and Ilya on Rhui as they try to conquer the khaja nations. Definately the best out of the four and it sets it up nicely for more to come - which would be very nice - if it happens :) Though I do want to slap Diana now.
Crown of Stars
King's Dragon - This is the first book in the series and introuduces the world, the characters and the events surrounding these characetrs. As we find that the two nations of the land are at war with one another - somtimes in direct battle sometimes behind the scenes. Here we discover Sanglant, the Bastard son of the King who is both brave and seemingly unable to die and possibly not entirely of human decent. Alain, son of Henri finds himself pledged to the Lady of Battles which will lead him to places he's never been before, meanwhile Liath is lusted after by Hugh who will stop at nothing to get her. When I first read it I was captivated and then when I found the next books in the series and read it again I was amazed at how wonderful the story was. It is full of intrigue and wanting to punch Hugh's lights out but fun.
Prince of Dogs - Sanglant gets captured by the enemy and he has to endure the torture of being one of the Sika King's dogs; living, eating, sleeping with the terrible creatures. Meanwhile Liath is trying to find out who she is and Alain is discovering what being pledged to the Lady of Battles really means and Hanna becomes an Eagle. The idea of making him be one of the dogs is really good - I thought that was a nice touch and the introduction of the 'magic' elements is also good - leaving room for a very complicated but fun story.
The Burning Stone - As things continue, Sanglant's brothers and sisters do their own thing, whilst he and Liath escape to try and have a life together but they know that it cannot last. Meanwhile Alain finds himself ina situation that he did not expect whilst Sanglant's aunt tries marshaling an army to take her 'right'. It goes one way then another then back again and you have to feel sorry for Sanglant and Liath - will anything ever work out for them?
Child of Flame - Oh poor Alain - it is sooo sad. Meanwhile Fifth Son tries his best to bring together the Eika peoples whilst still having dreams of Alain's life. Meanwhile "Mother" Anne and Hugh plot to take over the King's life and Sanglant and his every growing daughter Blessing are fighting the Quman with his siter Sapentia. Very nice touch though with Alain and Liath in another world the parallels run deep between the two which is very nice. It was a touch long but good none the less.
The Gathering Storm - Alain returns home only to become a slave, meanwhile Stronghand is taking land and trying to find him. Hanna gets stuck in the passage of the stones and Liath returns though she is suprised at how long it has been since she has gone. Kinda dull and too long I was getting a little irritaed towards the end but I will read the final book in the series just to see where everything goes.
Crown of Stars - Coming Soon
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