The One Kingdom - Swan's War 1 - Alaan is a traveller that is saved by Tamlyn, Baore and Fynnol and gives them a quest to help him. They travel down the river and meet up with Cynddl the stroyfinder when they reach the city they find themselves stuck in the middle of a family fued and something even bigger than they realised. One one side Dease, Toren, Beldor, Samul and Arden and on the other the beautiful Elise who doesn't want to become a pawn in the game that is her life. Complicated family issues with under currents of magic and the rebirth of Sainth, Sianon and Ciadre makes it even worse. I really enjoyed it and the concept of the river is a good one as is the twists and truns that the story seemed to take at every turn - though I was a little upset when ******* died.
Isle of Battle - Swan's War 2 - The characters are all over the place and find themselves in groups in the depths of the swamps. Prince Michael might have lost Elise but he is determined to find her as is Hafydd determined to find the injured Alaan. Not only that but Llyn finds herself the object of Carral's affections. Not as good as the first book it seemed to lose some of it's fast paced action and adventure but still good none the less though it gets a little predictable at times which is disheartening. Though I definately will read the rest of the series.
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